Happy Tuesday, friends! Several of you reached out and told me how much your kiddos are enjoying items that you grabbed from last week's Top Pick Tuesday, so I thought that I would share a few more of the items that are providing a lot of entertainment and happiness for my kiddos.
Top Pick #1: Elmer's Rainbow Glitter Glue Pens
Arts and crafts time has become a daily favorite in our household with my kiddos, and I personally love it because it gets us all at the table together using our creativity. One of my kids absolute favorite items that they want to use daily is our Glitter Glue Pens. They absolutely ADORE these, and it is fun watching the enjoyment that they get out of them!
We have tried several different types, but none seem to last as well or be as good as the Elmer's version. And, I love this particular pack because you get 31 different colors for a great price - it provides a lot of variety for them, and with three kids using these at once, they last for at least a little while.
Not going to lie - I also get a lot of enjoyment out of playing around with these :) I highly recommend them - grab the glitter glue pens here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074V2H87M/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B074V2H87M&linkCode=as2&tag=lifestyledbyj-20&linkId=763125d4e1d8cf4584093f215f65b461.
Top Pick #2: Connect 4
Much like Lite Brite that I shared last week, Connect 4 was one of my favorite childhood games! That said, it makes me SO happy that it is providing so much enjoyment in our house lately!
We are all rather competitive in the Millage Household, and we have been enjoying some epic matches of Connect 4 between the 5 of us (my youngest is only 4, but he is catching on super well and always wants to be included!) I love watching my kids really think through this game and how to be strategic - on top of it providing some entertainment and smiles, I feel like they are also doing some critical thinking - so all around, a win win :)
Connect 4 is a super affordable game - you can grab it from Amazon here and have it in hand quickly: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XY881H4/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B06XY881H4&linkCode=as2&tag=lifestyledbyj-20&linkId=ee407cc2f08de043bd852e72bdd47a12.
Top Pick #3: Paint by Sticker Kids
There are MANY things that I love about Paint by Sticker Kids - including the fact that I don't have to clean up real paints since these are super clean and tidy :) But really, that is probably at least part of why myself and so many others love these (there are over 1,700 five star reviews for these on Amazon...)
On top of my aforementioned reason, these are other reasons that I love Paint by Sticker Kids:
- Kids have to find the matching stickers and place them correctly by number
- The pages and shapes are vibrant, no matter which pack you choose
- The pages are perforated so you can easily split a pack up between kids
- Provides some quiet time and lots of entertainment
- They are super affordable
I am going to link a few different options here - these would also make a great Easter basket filler:
Zoo Animals
Ocean Creatures
Unicorns and Magical Creatures
